Adventures in Polyglot-land
Wanna join me on my adventures in Polyglot-land? Poly-watta? Never heared of ... yeah sounds reasonable. I'll quickly dot the i's and cross the t's for you. There are people who speak one language and people who speak more than one. Mastering two languages makes you a bilingual (although there might be a difference there, some call bilinguals people with 2 native languages, but I won't bore you with discussions between language professionals like myself). If you speak 3 to 5 languages, you would qualify as a polyglot (from the Greek poluglÅttos , which means 'with a lot of tongues'). And then there are people with 6 or more languages in their basket, they are the hyperglots. The land in my case is Flanders, the northern region of Belgium, a small country in the north of western Europe. Hence my native language is Dutch (or Flemish, as some prefer to call it, but again, I will not drag you along insemantic discussions between language professionals lik...