#polyglottweet review

Finally it’s here, my thoughts on the #polyglottweet challenge by @maripolyglot last January. I decided to join, because I liked the idea of focusing on my target languages for a whole month and because there would be a group of likeminded polyglots, discussing and correcting each other’s tweets. Me like! Let’s look at some facts and figures first. - T he challenge took 30 days . That means 30 days in a row, tweeting once a day about anything you like in whatever language you study, using the hashtag polyglottweet. - I am studying/speaking 10 foreign languages and I tweeted in all of them. French : 6, English and Afrikaans : 5, Korean : 4, Italian : 3, Bulgarian and Faroese : 2, German , Danish and Spanish : 1. - I also did 1 audio tweet in French, I tweeted one blog I wrote in English and as a final tweet on day 30, I made a thread with all my target languages (which was fun to do). Plusses: I loved to give...