At the start of summer, I had this vague idea of upping my levels for Spanish and Italian. I have been knocking on the B2 door for a while now (it’s ajar already) and I thought this would be a good occasion to finally push it wide open. I knew I was going to book a package of 5 lessons with my italki tutor, but apart from that, I didn’t really have any vast plans. A little more than a week ago, I came across a language challenge on Twitter that was more or less the same as what I was going to do this week, so I thought, why not try that: study your target language for 40 hours in 7 days (credits to @languagecomeup and @seaboltspeaks). 40 hours/7 days of total Spanish immersion! What a treat! And … I had no work planned this week (but I know from experience that can change in an instant). I had initially planned to just immerse myself in Spanish as much as I could for a whole week, without a specific number of hours to reach, but then again, well, why not! Unfortunately I didn’t rea...